Bentonville West Band Scholarship Criteria
The Wolverine Band Boosters are proud to participate in the Bentonville Schools Community Scholarship program by providing the following 4 scholarships each year to a graduating senior. Students must complete the BWHS band program to qualify. Additional qualifications are available below.
Bentonville West Band Boosters Scholarship
Students must meet the following criteria in order to apply:
• 2.5 GPA or above
• The student must be in good standing with BWHS band and have all band financial accounts settled.
• The student and student’s family must have volunteered in some aspect during the band season (concessions, chaperone, uniform care, band feeds, or other band-related events).
• The student must exemplify outstanding character by having represented the BWHS band program with respect and passion for the program.
• The student will be continuing on to the next level of higher education, pursuing the degree of their choice.
• The student must be a current member of the BWHS band program (Jazz, Concert, Marching, Color Guard, or Winter Guard) and member of a high school band program for all consecutive semesters (fall/spring) of the student’s high school career.
• 1 letter of recommendation is required.
• Additional essay required: “Being a member of marching band, concert band, jazz band, or guard creates an obligation to do something more than just pursue your individual goals. Explain what you have learned by being just one member of a large group. How will this knowledge affect your participation in group activities in the future?”
Award(s): 1
Amount(s): $1,000
Bentonville West Band Leadership Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded to a student who demonstrates outstanding leadership in the BWHS band program, either in band class or marching band. Students must meet the following criteria to apply:
• 3.0 GPA or above
• The student must be in good standing with BWHS band and have all band financial accounts settled.
• The student must have exhibited exemplary dedication and leadership. The student must be dependable and take initiative beyond what was required.
• The student must show participation in an All-Region and/or All-State competition (auditioning counts as participation) or participation in both Marching Color Guard and Winter Guard.
• The student will be continuing on to the next level of higher education, pursuing the major of their choice.
• The student must be a current member of the BWHS band program (Jazz, Concert, Marching, Color Guard, or Winter Guard) and member of a high school band program for all consecutive semesters (fall/spring) of the student’s high school career.
• 1 letter of recommendation is required from a person who can speak to the applicant’s
leadership skills in band.
• Additional essay required: “Discuss how your participation in BWHS Band has helped your development as a leader. Give at least one specific example where you were able to demonstrate the leadership skills you developed through band.”
Award(s): 1
Amount(s): $1,000
Bentonville West Instrumental Music Major Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded to a student who will be pursuing an instrumental music degree. Students must meet the following criteria to apply:
• 3.0 GPA or above
• The student must be in good standing with BWHS band and have all band financial accounts settled.
• The student must have exhibited dedication, strong work ethic, leadership and exemplary musicianship.
• The student must have participated in All-Region and/or All-State competitions (auditioning counts as participation).
• The student will be continuing to the next level of higher education pursuing an instrumental music degree.
• The student must be a current member of the BWHS band program (Jazz, Concert, Marching, Color Guard, or Winter Guard) and member of a high school band program for all consecutive semesters (fall/spring) of the student’s high school career.
• 1 letter of recommendation required from a band director
• Additional essay required: “Explain the impact your directors have had on your life and what you have learned from them that you hope to carry forward in your musical studies.”
Award(s): 1
Amount(s): $1,000
Bentonville West Band Musician/Visual Marching Scholarship
This scholarship will be awarded to a student who shares their musical/visual performance talents inside and outside of the BWHS program. This could be via church, regional symphony, independent DCI/WGI or other performance venues. Students must meet the following criteria to apply:
• 3.0 GPA or above
• The student must be in good standing with BWHS band and have all band financial accounts settled.
• The student must be continuing to use their musical/visual talents beyond BHWS via church ministry, regional symphony, college marching band, community performances, etc.
• The student must have participated in All-Region and/or All-State competitions (auditioning counts as participation for All-Region/All-State) or both Marching Color Guard and Winter Guard.
• The student will be continuing on to the next level of higher education, pursuing the degree of their choice.
• The student must be a current member of the BWHS band program (Jazz, Concert, Marching, Color Guard, or Winter Guard) and member of a high school band program for all consecutive semesters (fall/spring) of the student’s high school career.
• 1 letter of recommendation required by a person who can speak to the candidate's musical/visual involvement outside of BWHS
• Additional essay required: "Tell us how you will be sharing your musical/visual talent after you leave BWHS. Be sure to explain why continuing to share your gift is important to you."
Award(s): 1
Amount(s): $1,000