Parent “To-Do” List
For All Parents
Step 1: Parents/Guardians fill out the Parent Profile Form below. Parent cell number is required to have access to “Cuttime”.
Step 2: Student and 1 Parent/Guardian should Sign up for Remind Messaging (see below)
Step 3: Rising 9th Grade (current 8th) Student should sign up for Google Classroom
Class Code: bu2cv75
Step 4: Parents/Guardians should join the ‘Bentonville West Band 25-26’ BAND App group.
Step 5: Complete and return the Financial Agreement on “CutTime”.
Step 6: Read the Suggested and Required Equipment below. (Coming soon)
Woodwinds and Brass
Color Guard
Step 7: View the calendar and be aware of summer dates and fall competitions. Example: Practice and Game during Fall Break this year. Competitions are required and are all-day events.
We want to make sure that you are in-the-know of everything that is happening throughout the season. It can be a lot! Please complete your parent profile below to ensure you receive our monthly parent newsletter, volunteer opportunities, fundraising details, spirit merchandise notifications and more!
BWHS Summer Band Camp
Color Guard Camp starts July 14, 2025
Percussion Camp starts July 17, 2025
Full Summer Band Camp with everyone starts July 21, 2025
Evening Rehearsals the Week of Aug. 4, 2025.
All important dates and events can be viewed on bwestband.com/calendar.
Contest Information
In addition to the dates on our Band Calendar, you can also find more information about the specific contests we are competing in this season.
STUDENT communications
The main form of communication the directors use is Remind Messaging. All students and one parent should sign up for Remind. You are also able to communicate directly with Mr. Ortiz by responding to the messages on Remind. Text the relevant code below to 81010 to sign up for Remind.
Freshman: @bwhsband29
Sophomores: @bwhsband28
Juniors: @bwhsband27
Seniors: @bwhsband26
Color Guard: @westcg25
In addition to Remind, students should regularly reference the Band Google Classroom and the Band Google Calendar.
We want to make sure that you are in-the-know of everything that is happening throughout the season. It can be a lot! Our Boosters do an amazing job informing parents of volunteer opportunities, fundraising details, spirit wear notifications and so much more!
Parent Newsletters & Emails
Complete your parent profile to ensure that you are subscribed to our parent newsletters and emails.
BAND App Group for Parents and Guardians
Join the ‘Bentonville West Band 25-26’ Band App group to have everything a band parent needs right at your fingertips! Be in-the-know and socialize with other band parents.
Stay informed, capture memories. Follow us and tag us on social via Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @bwestband.
Band Fair Share Fees (TBD)
Commitment and Coverage
The all‐inclusive fair share cost per student is $TBD for Winds, Percussion and Color Guard (includes guard uniform). Students will incur some additional costs for uniform accessories and instrument rental. Students will not be asked for additional payment related to travel or meals for marching band-sanctioned events throughout the season. A breakdown of what is covered can be found in the Financial Letter.
Payment Options
Each parent’s commitment to the full and timely payment of their fees is critical to our ability to honor and maintain the financial obligations necessary to operate the program. A fee schedule is provided in the Financial Agreement provided below if you wish to pay in installments. You may pay in full at any time.
Students or parents/guardians/friends can participate in many fundraiser opportunities over the season to help cover fees. Look for information on fundraising opportunities offered during the year as well as the BWHS concession program. All band families have an obligation to work at least 1 shift in concessions during the season. The profits generated from concession stands cover the majority of the band’s operating costs, allowing us to keep band fees low.
Financial Assistance
We understand that hardships can arise and want to ensure every student has the ability to participate in marching band. The Band Fee Assistance Program was developed to help provide additional options.
Marching Band Gear (Coming soon)
Order everything you need for the season at the Band Store. Items for the 2025 season will be added soon. Continue to check back throughout the season for new items.
PE Credit
Students who wish to receive PE credit for marching band must sign up for the online PE class. This class runs in conjunction with Band Camp and is available at no additional cost. The student must be a full/flex member or a member of the Color Guard and must attend Band Camp. All 9th graders are recommended to enroll as well as any upperclassmen who still need their PE credit.
The Google Classroom Code is TBD
A reminder that only those who NEED their high school PE credit should sign up. Incoming freshman class and any 'new to the district' students are the target groups. This course will run early July. The course is online and is asynchronous.
Wolverine Band Boosters
The Wolverine Band Boosters is comprised of dedicated parents and guardians, we exist to support the students and directors of the Bentonville West music programs by encouraging volunteer involvement, driving fundraising activities and recognizing band accomplishments.
We rely on volunteers to help run a successful Band program. It truly takes a village to make the magic happen. We have a spot for all levels of interest, time and skill.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.