Should my child need any medications administered during this trip, I understand that a school nurse will not be present and that I must designate an individual by completing the following forms and information.

  • All prescription medications must be clearly marked as to the contents by the pharmacy or doctor labeling. 

  • In accordance with District policy: Medications must be in their original container, this includes both prescriptions and over-the-counter medications.

  • All over-the-counter medications must be provided by the parent & given to the designated teacher who will administer them. Examples- Ibuprofen, Tylenol, cough drops, Midol, Tums, and Benadryl.  

  • At all times, teachers will have possession of “emergency medications” such as inhalers and Epi-pens, unless the student has a current self-carry contract. 

  • Disciplinary action will occur for students found with prescription or non-prescription medications in their possession.